Good afternoon;
Our team just finished shooting the pilot for our comedy series and we are now looking into distribution. We have created a sizzle reel and are editing the episode. We have talent attached and a 10 episode Season One arc written and outlines for Seasons Two and Three. If you are interested in hearing more about the project, please message me.
Thank you
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Sounds exciting, I'm in the same boat, we've got 3 shoot days left on a 6 episode action spy series. We also need distribution still.
Hey, Joseph Pepitone! Have you tried pitching this to any of Stage 32's executives? I assume you're looking for finishing funds for the remainder of Season 1 with your distribution deal?
Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives:
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Thank you Karen. I will reach out!!