Distribution : TV Series Pilot Shot by Joseph Pepitone

TV Series Pilot Shot

Good afternoon;

Our team just finished shooting the pilot for our comedy series and we are now looking into distribution. We have created a sizzle reel and are editing the episode. We have talent attached and a 10 episode Season One arc written and outlines for Seasons Two and Three. If you are interested in hearing more about the project, please message me.

Thank you

Willem Erick Saayman

Sounds exciting, I'm in the same boat, we've got 3 shoot days left on a 6 episode action spy series. We also need distribution still.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Joseph Pepitone! Have you tried pitching this to any of Stage 32's executives? I assume you're looking for finishing funds for the remainder of Season 1 with your distribution deal?

Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives: J.Mirch@stage32.com

Joseph Pepitone

Thank you Karen. I will reach out!!

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