Distribution : The Definitive Legal Guide To Distribution Deals by Sam Sokolow

Sam Sokolow

The Definitive Legal Guide To Distribution Deals

Hey everyone - I highly recommend this upcoming Stage 32 2-part class hosted by Kristin Harris, the SVP, Production & Development at Vertical Entertainment at Vertical Entertainment, on how distribution deals work. Kirstin is a generous educator and brilliant executive and will share critical information on how distribution works.

Here's a link so you can check out her class and register for it: https://www.stage32.com/classes/Stage-32-2-Part-Class-Your-Definitive-Le...

Benjamin Elliott

Thank you for sharing!

Ewan Dunbar

Great share! Distribution deals are sometimes looked at as a mysterious system only understood by sales agents and buyers, but its really not that mysterious. Great chance for producers to educate themselves and understand this part of a project's financial life.

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