Distribution : The Ghosts of Faded Cinemas by Debbie Elicksen

Debbie Elicksen

The Ghosts of Faded Cinemas

This could fit in a couple of different lounges, especially filmmaking. I thought this nod to the cinema (or as we call them in Canada, movie theaters) was a cool look at how these venues have really shaped our lives over the centuries.

I'm sure there is a coffee table book out there somewhere that documents some of these great iconic structures in various towns and cities. This also gives me an idea to take a look at the old venues that are still standing here in Calgary, and to pay them a visit.


Maurice Vaughan

Going to the movie theaters was one of my favorite things growing up, Debbie Elicksen. Looking at the movie posters, playing the arcade games, the concession stands, the previews before the movies started, and of course the movies. Sometimes we went to AMC, sometimes we went to smaller local theaters.

Sam Sokolow

Awesome read. To this day, seeing WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT at the Ziegfeld Theater in NYC is one the great memories of my life.

Ashley Renee Smith

I still love going to the movie theater as often as possible. I honestly don't even care if the movie is great. I could happily see anything in the theater, I just like getting lost in it all.

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen “Of course, we all go to multiplexes, and they’re mostly black boxes with seats,” Filho comments. “You never remember if you saw a film on screen 3, screen 14, or 11. It’s meant to have no personality, which is a very strange business model, but it seems to work for them.” “

That’s a very interesting perception, Debbie, with the anonymity of the multiplexes as opposed to the grandeur of historical cinema.

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