Post-Production : Best Film Editing Sequences by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Best Film Editing Sequences

Do you agree with this list?

Rose Waldschmidt

Of the list I think The French Connection's subway scene is the best, and rank it best of any list.

Mike Trentacosti

I agree Rose, French Connection is a great scene, the scene that came to my mind before reading the list was the shower scene in Psycho. Interestingly there are a few Hitchcock films on the list.

Richard "RB" Botto

I noticed the same thing, Mike. Surprising.

Mike Trentacosti

Hey RB, do you think it has something to do with the fact that Hitchcock storyboarded his films in great detail? They were edited in his mind and on the page before he even shot a frame.

Richard "RB" Botto

I'd hate to think that would be the reason. Storyboarding is one thing, cutting is another.

Mike Trentacosti

Very true. I'm just suggesting what helped make those sequences so memorable was the detail that went into the storyboarding. If Hitchcock was in the editing room with the editors, I can't imagine there was a lot of experimentation. I'm an editor and would usually give credit to the editors but I think in this instance especially the scenes that were chosen, Psycho, The Birds and North By Northwest, meticulous pre-planning was crucial and helped elevate the scenes to another level. Not everyone storyboards. But everyone needs to edit.

Richard "RB" Botto

I have no doubt you're right, Mike, as Hitch was known to be meticulous in his pre-production approach. And I have no doubt his presence was felt in the editing room. You still have to have a talented (and probably patient as hell) editor to carry out the vision, IMO. Here is a cool video of Hitch speaking about the process

Mike Trentacosti

Completely agree with you. I have never seen that video before. Great clip. Thanks so much for posting it.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, my friend.

Bradley Francis Leech

One of my favorite films for editing is Cloud Atlas. The scene with the Black sailor trying to launch the sails before getting shot as futuristic heroes including an android escape across a parallel skywalk builds great suspense. The whole film is edited with that kind of precision.

Mike Trentacosti

Never caught up with Cloud Atlas. I got a wide range of mixed reviews when it came out. And it just never caught my interest. Is it worth checking out, Bradley?

Rose Waldschmidt

Here's a more comprehensive group, including Hitchcock, . Any thoughts on Inception? I'm trying to imagine how Lee put that together.

James Foye

The fight between 007 (Sean Connery) and Red Grant (Robert Shaw) on the Orient Express in FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (1963), edited by Peter Hunt, is a favorite sequence.

Bradley Francis Leech

Mike. I really think Cloud Atlas is worth checking out. I like films that I am compelled to visit and revisit multiple times to pick up on the details. Cloud Atlas is like that for me. Critics may have struggled with the mix of humor and drama in one vehicle. But there are interesting ideas presented in the film and they are partly conveyed through some critical editing. There are some versatile acting performances as well. Playing with science and mythology through story problems is how I see it. I need to read the book however as that may have impacted critic's responses too.

Mike Trentacosti

Thanks Bradley.

Bradley Francis Leech

A year later, I have to add Mad Max: Fury Road to "best editing" lists. I was awed by the cadence and pacing in that film. Thank God for the blackout so I could catch my breath!

Mike Trentacosti

I agree Bradley, Mad Max was incredible. Well deserved Oscar for editing.

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