Post-Production : Final Cut X by Billy May

Final Cut X

So, there are a lot of amazing things in FCPX, and some huge bugs too. Have you moved your production over to FCPX or are you still using FCP7?

Rik Carter

I'm still waiting for Apple to address more of the professional issues. I'm still a little angry that Apple refuses to allow direct import of previous projects. Sure, a third party has picked up the slack but building a program that doesn't allow an editor to open their years of previous work was (and is) just plain stupid. I'll move over someday, but not yet.

Dinar Wibowo

Nope...still sticking to my 'old' FCP.

Ray Anthony Martinez

That's why Adobe Premiere is better! LOL!

Dinar Wibowo

I have Adobe Premiere on my MBP as well. I gotta give it a try.

Robert Pfeiffer

I'm still working in Final Cut Express but I plan on moving over to FCPX next month.

Steven Trauger

This is why it doesn't work for my environment: but here are some insights to long-format work with it:

Brian Ging

All professional editors I know who cut in Final Cut are still on 7 (As I am). They need at least one more wave of features from Apple to bring Final Cut X into the professional arena. At the moment it is just way too beta and Apple hasn't "finished making it" yet in most of our opinion. I like many others are certainly playing with it and getting ready because it will be worth knowing soon.

Laja Pelumi

when the first version of fcx came out i tried it, but due to the lack of some feature that i was used to having in FC7 i ditched it . but i just recently got the version 10.03 and i am loving FCX again.

Rory Emmons

We moved to Premiere and haven't looked back, and no complaints.

Oaken Beeson

Also moved to Adobe, CS6 is better in every way. Apple is still my favorite hardware but no longer the software king.

Robert Kelly McAllister

My editor is having huge trouble getting an AIFF with FCX- does 10.3 address that? If not, anyone know what to do?

Brennan Wright

I have been on adobe, CS6 is great!

LJ Polin

Definitely a FCPX user! Was an easy switch from iMovie... I pretty much figured out how to deal with all the bugs so not too much of a hassle. Do you get a regular pinweel though?

Brian Harris

I love FCPX...however I could use some help with color grading/mood on a feature. Any FCPX users with color experience? I would love to see a reel and maybe see what we could work out. thx!

Andrew Galves

I am working on FC Studio Six... I love six. This may be the end of FCP for me if they don't re-enstate Soundtrack Pro and Color...

Michael Towe

I am still working in FCP 7 and deciding whether to move back to Avid or move to Premier, at this point I am leaning to Avid. I have experimented with FCP X but decided it is not quite ready for primetime yet. I tried to run my last large corporate project through it and it just didn't hold up. I can say that I loved the keyword process of organizing footage. Very powerful and I wish I had this in Avid. On the minus side I hate the way that audio is handled in X. Additionally the inability to cut and paste selected effect from one clip to another really killed it for me. With effect copy and paste being an all or nothing thing it becomes unusable.

Myrsadyse PangBurn

hi my mom has written several books. many people love them and say they should become movies! she puts a lot of detales to make you see what she writes. Ov course she wont let me read them. i just see and hear people raid about them. Since the books are already writen it should be easy to make a script out of them right? her pen name is Kerrigan Rhea

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