There's a process almost every filmmaker must go through before they can successfully launch a crowdfunding campaign. It usually starts about six months before they start asking for money. This is when they start putting together their outreach campaign. Without a solid outreach campaign you're not going to be able to reach your goals. We have over 20 years experience promoting companies and projects online. If you'd like to see if we can help you let us know.
I don't have any reel's or footage just a written screenplay. I've been on go fund me for a while and of course my few friends donated the first couple weeks and then it's just completely stopped.
Hi Amanda, I hear that all the time. What is your "Go Fund Me" information so I can go take a look at it... You really do need a good Demo reel, It's your first calling card and it introduces your concept to the world. The other question I have to ask is... what are you doing to build your audience? Are your friends telling their friends? Are you doing anything on the social network to encourage people to follow you? Do you have some sort of social media plan? These are all valid questions you have to ask yourself to get a successful campaign going. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Franklyn
Ummmm lol.
I have a small Twitter and Instagram following.
Facebook as well. But Facebook is only people I know. I'm not Davy with social media.
Hi Amanda, There are so many people today reaching out through the crowd funding channels, that things have changed. No longer can you build a campaign with the attitude that people will come in some magical way and find you. Today, there is a method that almost every successful campaign employs and it goes something like this! You start approximately 3 to 6 months ahead of the time you want to fund your film with a social campaign to gather up followers on the social networks. These followers are people who would like to see your kind of film produced, in other words in your case, it would be the LGBT community which just happens to be active on the social networks. (I took a quick look and there seems to be several, which is a good thing). You reach out to these groups and start talking to people to see if you can get some interest going. There's a process where you find advocates and influencers to help share your vision to the LGBT community and other like-minded communities. Like I said, there is a process and it has several steps which we're not ready to go into in this email. I know, you probably had no idea that there is a process today. Even with the process only about 75% of those campaigns will be successful. So many fail every day because they're not prepared to do the work necessary for success. You have to activate all the social network channels that you can, you start with a Twitter channel, a Facebook page, Instagram and Pinterest, etc. You have to post to those channel on a regular basis to keep your supporters engaged, if not, when it comes time to contribute they won't. Like I said before it is too much to go in this email. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you... Best regards, Franklyn