We all need money for our projects, right? That’s why Stage 32 has brought in an expert to teach you everything about gap financing because money is available to you to help you finish your films. Tune in tomorrow and arm yourself with this essential information that can make a huge difference when it comes to finishing your project. Here’s a link so you can register - and remember, if you can’t make it live you’ll have access to the recording: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Breaking-Down-Gap-Financing-How-it-Work...
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I need a Producer for my feature length movie Malibu Sunrise -- Vic Alexander vicalexander37@gmail.com
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Hi Vic Alexander - I recommend emailing writerhelp@stage32.com - our team can help you navigate pitching your project.
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Perfect class. Such vital information to help get projects made.
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This will be my second class with Viviana Zarragoita. Unfortunately, I'll miss the live webinar as we'll be returning from a film festival in Little Rock. So glad that I can see the recorded version when it comes out.