Financing / Crowdfunding : Getting sponsorship by Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe

Getting sponsorship

Has anyone ever produced a narrative film and received financial assistance or sponsorship of any sort from a medical organization (mental health, disease, etc.)? If so I would appreciate your messanging me so we can discuss how you approached them. Thanks!

Erik A. Jacobson

I've had a medical device manufacturer, not a medical organization, express interest in financial assistance. But that was only because the medical condition of the protagonist tied in directly with the device this company produced.

Michael Wolfe

Thanks for responding Erik. Did you approach them directly? And did they require that you feature the name of their device in the film? And if you don't mind me asking, how much assistance did they offer?

Erik A. Jacobson

A friend who loved my script and wanted to get it produced approached them directly. Their device would have been prominently featured as part of the protagonist's "cure". My friend told them it would be a $40 million movie and asked if they could invest 25% of that. And yes, they expressed real interest in being involved. However, I didn't pursue it since I still had to find $30 million somewhere.

Michael Wolfe

aaahhhhhh yes. that ellusive 30 million! yeah, i'm looking for more of a 100K film so not quite in that ballpark!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I know there is a great book on Product Placement. I can't remember the name. I am sure you can google it. Myself as a NYC native screenwriter have several scripts I am looking into for financing. There is also a book title I just thought of that could help(I am using it) BANKROLL by Tom Malloy---"How to finance your independent film"

Courtney Navarro

I'm really loving this thread. I'm seeing questions that I myself have been pondering. Any advice on getting an investor or funding that doesn't involve crowdfunding RIGHT now..? Dont think we have the following that we are looking for. Any tips would be awesome.

Erik A. Jacobson

If you haven't already, check out Film Funding Club (google it or or youtube) which offers a number of free teleconferences. For product placement, here's a helpful article: http://articles.latimes/2011/apr/21/entertainment/la-et-greatest-movie-2.... (Pom Wonderful Presents) Hope this helps.

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