Financing / Crowdfunding : Looking for your opinion on an offer. by Peter A. Schnell

Peter A. Schnell

Looking for your opinion on an offer.

I was approached by a person who found my screenplay in some way. Probably my website but they haven't read it. They have legitimate credits in each of their roles but the company was presented as a casting service. The pitch was that investors won't look at a project without a name (talent or director) attached and that they will a. pitch the script to potential talent and b. then approach their set of investors with the project once that is successful. They also have the ability to produce the film once that complete if I desire that. Or I can find a different production company. That's a quick review of the 30 minute zoom call we had. They have produced films of low to medium budget and have acting and producing credits. So the question is: was the pitch correct. As it is, my screenplay has gained a tiny bit of attention when it's been seen but nothing lately. Should I consider it?

Art Arutyunyan

Hi Peter, based on my own past mistakes, the "option" should come with a fee even a small one. They should pay you to be able to take the script around. Unless they want to do a non-exclusive. On the other hand, it's what you're comfortable with.

Chase Cysco

make sure you fully understand their terms lol and what they’re offering. Get all the details about their process, any costs involved, and what their expectations are. It’s crucial to have everything in writing to avoid any misunderstandings,

best of luck with your screenplay Peter !

Peter A. Schnell

Thank you both. To be clear, I would be paying them a fee to do the casting and find someone to attach to the script and for them to approach their investors.

Art Arutyunyan

I would advise against it, Peter. It's the classic scam scenario. What's the company's name?

Chase Cysco

Art Arutyunyan thank you for saying it !! i didn't want to sound mean ...... and yea Peter A. Schnell maybe dm the company to ART and he can do some researching (: .... cause paying them to do their job sounds crazy lol

Mike Boas

Money is going the wrong direction. It’s not necessarily a scam, but they’re selling their services to you as a producer. If you don’t want to produce, say no thank you.

Jane Sanger

hey, if it’s all contracted out it could be ok. so with the talent… what’s this company’s fee and to get how many profile actors attached? Or are they casting it all? Do they present you with 3 choices for each main part or do they just pick? Define profile….ie they need to cast with LOI 2 actors with IMDb under 5,000, a household name, an Alister ie in the top 1,000 or top 500imdb(which one?). everything must be defined. Are they a bigger cost than any other casting directors? Introducing your project or you to investors requires a commission of 5-8% usually only when the money is in your bank.

I don’t think it’s a scam at first look. people need to be inventive in order to earn money these days and anyone who knows genuine investors is worth it. Just don’t pay anything up front. pay on results.

Pat Alexander

if they want you to pay for anything, would avoid. as a writer you shouldn't be sending out fees for a producer to cast your work.

Peter A. Schnell

Thanks to all that responded. I appreciate it. After posting,I reached out to a contact at CAA that has been very kind and helpful to me through the years. He agreed with the majority. The arrangement would not be to my benefit. I politely declined the offer to the party that approached me.

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