Financing / Crowdfunding : Marketing Companies for Crowdfunding by Matthew Faye Terry

Matthew Faye Terry

Marketing Companies for Crowdfunding


Can anyone recommend a marketing company that I can hire to tap into social platforms on my behalf for crowdfunding?

Geoff Hall

Matthew Faye Terry hi Matthew, have you tried searching for such people here on Stage32?

Foster West Foster West

Crowdfunding can be a powerful tool for creative projects, but choosing the right marketing company is crucial. I recently came across some great photography marketing ideas that can also be applied to crowdfunding campaigns. Check out these insights on effective marketing strategies which include tips on engaging storytelling and leveraging social media. Tailoring these approaches to your campaign can significantly boost visibility and support.

Amanda Toney

H Matthew - good luck with your crowdfund, how exciting! I would highly, highly recommend getting a copy of CROWDSOURCING FOR FILMMAKERS: INDIE FILM AND THE POWER OF THE CROWD, it is written by our very own Richard Botto and it has so much useful information on sourcing, marketing and funding from a crowd.

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