Financing / Crowdfunding : Ranked Importance by Lauren McKean

Lauren McKean

Ranked Importance

What are the top three things a crowdfunding campaign should address? Would love to hear feedback both from campaign creators and backers.

Christopher Phillips

I’ve tossed in a few dollars over the years to various film campaigns... if I had a top three list of things to focus on it would be: 1 - The hook of the project. A compelling story or concept that draws people in. A video that sells the vibe of the story as well. I’ve seen some really simple yet compelling campaign videos. People just talking and asking for money doesn’t work. 2 - A very clear plan and a budget describing where the money will go. Different funding goal levels if campaign is super successful. 3 - communication. I still get emails from campaigns I help funded three years ago. Campaigns that take money and you never hear from again are unprofessional. Gifts aren’t that big of a deal. One tip - have a huge social media group of followers before starting the campaign. Having only a few followers on Twitter or Facebook will doom the campaign.

Gary McClurg

Thanks for reaching out to me to network.

I’d say get Richard Botto’s book Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers. Which I need to finish.

Also what Christopher says. The thing that I would add is.

Is a campaign that people will look at and know that this film will be completed.

Dan MaxXx

Track record, commitment, Presentation of campaign.

I don't want gifts or anything in return.

A feature film I backed is showing at SXSW festival in March. I'm happy for the filmmakers. Took them over 15-years to get to this point.

Gary McClurg

And finding supporters like Dan who never give up on a project.

John Ellis

Hey, Christopher Phillips, I'm glad I caught your comments! We're planning on launching an Indiegogo soon, and your top 3 things are very helpful - esp. coming from the supporter side! Lauren McKean take note of Christopher's comment!

Lauren McKean

Thanks for the feedback guys! Would love to hear constructive criticism of the campaign itself if you get a chance to look at it. Here's a link to the preview.

Gary McClurg

I’ll have to wait till I get back into town. My wifi has been slowed. Because living in the boonies I use it too much. I’ll let you know then.

Christopher Phillips

Lauren McKean It's just a bowl of nuts at the moment.

Christopher Phillips

Lauren McKean okay. Just watched the campaign. I liked the video because it felt like the taste testers were genuine. It felt like we were getting their raw feedback about the product and that made me curious to try it. So, good job. Would be nice to put yourself in the video to explain the project firsthand, what brought you to this idea and where do you hope to go with it...

John Michael German

Lauren McKean - Congrats on the kickstarter and a wondrously delicious essence. You could add the health benefits from this potential butter. That could embrace and ignite the want to back this more. Something that tastes good yet is healthy as well.

I really enjoyed the video as the responses seem pretty truthful. Watching their thoughts church on each question helped to feel that. It felt like they were really trying it for the first time in the video.

All in all it was a really good job. Definitely intrigues the audience.

I thank you for you and I appreciate all you are.

God Bless.

John Ellis

Nice campaign, Lauren McKean! I'm with Christopher Phillips, would have liked to see you, as creator, in the video. Good luck!

Gary McClurg

Same here. I would have liked to see you in it too.

Deborah Hodgson

Look through the eyes of your market, what top three things do they want?

John Ellis

Hey, Lauren McKean and Christopher Phillips, our IG is live! Would love to know what everybody thinks!

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