Financing / Crowdfunding : Subsidies by Matthew D Rhodes

Matthew D Rhodes


I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. I know I've not been on Stage 32 in a while and something has been bothering me. I get all kinds of email about what I can do with my work and the sad thing is I'm on a fixed income since I'm disabled and I feel like I don't stand a chance in getting anywhere. Are there subsidy programs available for people like me?

Maurice Vaughan

I don't know if Stage 32 has subsidy programs, Matthew D Rhodes, but Stage 32 has free resources.



Some of the webinars are free: (type "free" in the search bar)

More free webinars:

Browse Section:

Job Board:

And here are blogs on networking ( My biggest tip is be active in the Lounges (comment on people's posts and make your own posts). That's how I do most of my networking and that's how I get most of my jobs and opportunities.

Matthew D Rhodes

I haven't been active for a while since I've been busy with multiple projects. I've been wanting to share my work but haven't been able to given the prices on sharing my work the way stage 32 brings them up in my emails. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Maurice Vaughan

I suggest starting with networking in the Lounges, Matthew D Rhodes. Make a post (Example: share a post in the Screenwriting Lounge talking about your journey as a screenwriter and the lessons you've learned) and comment on people's posts.

Matthew D Rhodes

ok, that sounds like a plan.

Paul Rivers

The money is already out there, Laurie Ashbourne posted this Robert Rodriguez Film funds so this above so here is repost to check out,

Kerry Kennard

Paul Rivers - wow … great information from the YouTube clip. I stopped at 5 mins, though the guy was giving good tips - how to save money and other practical advice.

I’m a musician / and composer now, so I know, sometimes trying to make things happen and use these type of tips in my music business. Thank you.

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