Anything Goes : Sherlock -- Can it be saved? by Rebecca Blood

Rebecca Blood

Sherlock -- Can it be saved?

Like many of you (I'm sure), I'm a huge fan of the BBC's brilliant Sherlock. But I found myself hugely let down by Season Three. I spent some time reflecting on it and came up with a little analysis and prescriptive. If you're a fan, would you give it a look? I'd love to know if my observations match your own.

Daniel Jude Gennis

As much as I like the modern-day take on Sherlock Holmes via Sherlock, I have to admit to be not as impressed with Season Three as I was with the previous two. I couldn't put my finger on it as Benedict Cumberbach and Martin Freeman was as brilliant as ever. I can only put it down to the fact that the star of both leads is rising, Hollywood beckons evermore so it is getting more difficult for bring both actors back due to their respective schedules so probably why Season Three seemed so rushed. The same could be said about Idris Elba with regard to Luther - in that each successive Season is not as good as the previous, as they are shorter and seemed rushed. Idris is still great in the title role as is Ruth Wilson as Alice. But like Benedict and Martin, Idris also has a hectic schedule, not to mention a far more impressive film career. It is probably the reason why things are not as good as we would like them to be.

Rebecca Blood

Daniel, I found Martin Freeman's performance this season to be both solid and continually surprising--pure delight, didn't you think so? Cumberbatch's performance wasn't as crisp as it has been (and it's hard to know how much of that is down to directing and/or editing, and how much of it was him). All of it would have been better with writing that met the standard of the first two seasons. I have a high bar for this show, which was brilliant in Season 1 and 2, and I'm worried that Seasons 4 and 5 will also disappoint.

Daniel Jude Gennis

Martin Freeman is a good solid actor and his range never ceases to surprise. I think the first series set a high bar. Oddly enough the BBC weren't too sure about the series as they launched Season One late one summer a few years ago instead of the Autumn. I turned out to be a surprise hit with British viewers and and many others overseas it would seem. Considering who is cast and who writes this series it surprising that it has fallen short. I still think that is due to the availability of the actors, which means things need to get done quickly and as a result, quality suffers. Remember Martin is involved with The Hobbit movies and Benedict seems to get a lot of film work these days.

Mike Stanford

Spoilers - Series three was overall an unfortunate let down, it did have some interesting moments, but nothing to compare with the previous two series. Magnusson and his "files" was predictable and a let down and there were no real great mysteries to solve. I didn't take to the introduction of ex-assasin Mary either it didn't seem to drive the story forward and the jumps between the episodes was a bit annoying IMHO. Mind you series 4 of Sherlock is already saved as Andrew Scott/Moriarty is coming back :)

David Taylor

It's a great series. Well written, Wonderfully acted. It could even be described as 'experimental' in approach, and 'hyper-active'. The latter gives it issues. I think if it took one step back towards the traditional, it would be awesome. Who knows, maybe, as-is, it will be anyway. It's not as 'hyper-active' as Dr. Who, for which the same could be said. Both fabulous shows however.

Rebecca Blood

Mike, thanks for your thoughts. What did you think of my ideas for Mary's character? David, I think the Sherlock creators have gotten just a bit too sure of themselves, don't you? I liked it better when they were unsure of their reception. :) What did you think of my other ideas for bringing the series back on track?

David Taylor

@R - 'Be Clever... Tough Problems... Character". Good advice. Good piece.

Tabitha Baumander

I liked the first one but the beginning of the second kind of put me off. Haven't seen the third one yet. You cant hit a home run every time no matter how good a writer you are. I believe they have shot a season four we'll have to see if they come back.

Rebecca Blood

Tabitha, what did you not like about the second episode? I didn't think it worked the first time I watched it, and then the second time I thought I saw what they were trying for. What did you not like about it?

Tabitha Baumander

hard to say really. Trying to hard maybe?

Mike Stanford

SJ Chapman I liked the wedding speech purely 'cos it amused a few of my friends/family as my namesake sent a telegram apologising about not being able to make it. Rebecca re Mary (Mr Freeman's other half don't ya know), I liked and loathed her as I didn't see the point of bringing in such a complex character, although bringing in a strong female character it could be argued was required. I do hope though that there isn't a storyline in S4 that will revolve around the child getting kidnapped as that will just be more navel gazing of the central characters and not solid detective work of some great mystery which is what there needs to be the return to.

Rebecca Blood

Mike, I'm with you, and I almost added that to the piece. Thanks for saying it for me. I thought Mary arrived too soon in the larger story, but if she's here (and she is) then please let her be more like what she seemed to be at the beginning and not what she turned out to be at the end. I fear (spoilers) that Watson having to deal with two people who shoot the wall for fun when they are bored would strike Moffatt/Gatiss as hilarious. Me, less so.

Chesley Lydekker

The BBC's 2014 Sherlock is a thin story, driven by digital-trickiness and crude about characters we don't care about, we just feel sorry for the lead, reduced to shallow hell, and the lost tradition of good British story entertainment: Down the loo. And everyone wonders why Downton Abbey is such a worldwide hit? You are right, Rebecca.

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