Introduce Yourself : A Merry Stoned Christmas by Jamal Bokhammas

Jamal Bokhammas

A Merry Stoned Christmas

Hello there everyone I'm Jamal I hope you're all good I have a lot of screenplay’s in various genre’s I would need a ghostwriter to help me out after a screenplay’s sold I will give out a percentage I would definitely need a manager to help me out get my screenplay’s sold and I would appreciate it if producer’s would check out my screenplay’s I’ve written a Christmas comedy action movie screenplay mentioning the wonderful Pamela Anderson as a character for a hallucination scene, you can download the screenplay’s in my profile in the link in this post.

Maia Buljeta

Great to meet you, Jamal!

Jamal Bokhammas

Maia Buljeta thanks Maia & it's nice to meet you too.

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