Introduce Yourself : Actor by Curtis McGann

Curtis McGann


Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself. Yes, minutes can be quick or long...this one is quick :) I'm an actor, with a love and passion for acting. Out of any job I've ever done, acting is the one thing that I would do for free if I didn't have any bills (granted the no bills is not the case). I am available to travel and would love to be a part of any of your films or TV shows. I am a very hard worker and I like to help out on set as much as possible. I don't complain and I take direction very well. I know that, if given the chance, I can be a great success in the industry and am just looking for that chance. I am an open networker and accept all requests. I look forward to meeting and working with you!

Luke Stewart

Welcome Curtis!

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