Introduce Yourself : CEO/Producer/Writer by Susan Bryant

Susan Bryant


Hello all! Our firm, Door4 Entertainment Media Agency, LLC is in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. We are a group of experienced, credited film industry professionals looking to bring major filmmaking industry to DFW. We are currently and actively seeking Low Budget scripts for any genre for film production in 2017. If you have a great, LB finished script or know someone that does, please reach out to me today!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Susan! Great to have you here. You'll find no shortage of screenwriters here on Stage 32. The screenwriting army is over 80,000 strong! If you know exactly what you are looking for, I might suggest making a post in our JOBS section. That's an easy way to receive applications from writers looking to work with you and your team. Good luck!

Nicole Jamison


Christian Conte

Can you give some parameters around "low budget"?

Arnab Mitra

I've a thriller that was read by a total 5 producers including "The Call" producer Robert stein. But it was passed due to some level of violence. But I've revised it now and it's a far better now. If you are looking for a new thing,that this is the thing. If you like i can send it. Or you can read the pitch.

Susan Bryant

Christian- Industry standards for LB, is a film produced for under $250k. The top 5 things that help make a film fall into LB parameters are: 1. No more than 2 locations 2. No more than 5 cast 3. No A list cast 4. Contemporary times (no extravagant period pieces) 5. Minimal CG AND SPFX

Susan Bryant

Hi Arnab- if it falls within the LB parameters listed in my response to Christain above, and it's a true thriller not gratuitous gore, I'd be interested in reading your synopsis and first 5 pages of script. Please have have already registered it ($25 with the WGA or copywriter office for your protection) and include your registration# on the script cover. Please email your one page synopsis and first 5 pages of script to me with the SUBJECT line:: "Stage32 inquiry to script search". In the body of the email Address it to Susan Bryant. send Looking forward to receiving it.

Susan Bryant

Thanks Richard! Will do.

Susan Bryant

Thank you, Nicole!

Christian Conte

Thanks for the clarification!

Matthew Jason Walsh


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