Introduce Yourself : Complex by Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta


Hello fellow Filmmakers. Here is one of my recent short film, what are your views about it?

Linda Burdick

It's difficult fto portray in film thoughts and feelings; we have only the two senses of sight and sound to work with and convey a messsage. So, I see an man who suffers in angst, is high as he tries to figure out the meaning or purpose of life, and seems to fail at everything - even getting the girl. He is a mathmetician who searches the solution for a complex eqation and is caught up in the mundanenss of life that surrounds himself. Things happen in an orderly fashion through the mundane and yet there are random acts that upset this pattern: during this state of confusion he is aided in knowledge by what appears to be some sort of figment of his imagination, either from this world or another and guides the protagonaist into thinking about life after death and infinity. This figment gives him the other part of the euqation and confirms his belief of nihilism. Nothing matters - even matter. He doesn't matter and in the end is an insignificant variable in the equation. Maybe to that girl he is insignificant. That is the message. is this what you want to convey to the world?

Shubham Gupta

Hey linda Burdick You are partially only.. But there is lot more to it... Basically the movie is about following your inner voice or intuition and meeting your higher self.. And it end with an open ending, who your higher self is.. You are connecting the events properly, just listen to the starting VO once more.. :)

Shubham Gupta

Thanks Deborah, thank you very much :) :D

Linda Burdick

Well Shubham... I can't see how a person connects to a higher self when they are high... so through my lens this is what I understand. Your message is unclear to me then. If this is any coverage for you then i hope you understand my note. What i see is a man out of ocntrol - lost and unhappy - when he starts to see things it can be the demonic through the use of drugs. To me this is not connecting to God or a higher consciousness. My note. you can take it or leave it.

Shubham Gupta

Hey Linda that's why the name of the short is COMPLEX :P The movie starts with VO which clearly stats that the guy is thinking about life, his thinking and inner voice. The starting lines of movie are "People are afraid of endings and more afraid of ending up all alone..... " The VO continues and raises many Questions which he has in his mind.. Use of drugs or no drugs is not a tall the point I wanted to show that's why I haven't shown any drug in it.. Though the process of listening to inner voice require lot of patience and calmness, which I kept as the main feel of the movie.. But still the movie is up for your assumptions, may I was not able to do justice to it or may be it required more effort from my side or viewer side.. I can give you one clue the voice of lead and voice of his thoughts is different and his thoughts voice is same as the voice of the hat guy.. He sees that guy when alone or too much into his thoughts, and the hat guy knows many things about him and even guides him.. There are few connecting elements for movie.. Some are still there to unravel.. It definitely is COMPLEX though a work of Fiction.

Linda Burdick

Shubham your job as a writer or a director is not to defend or expain yourself even in a film. The use of subtext as the writer , on top of the subtext as a director should be enough to convey the message. There are viewers that come from many backgrounds of knowledge and experience - I am telling you what your movie tells me based upon the lens I view through in this realm and world. Like any piece of art everyone's view is a subjective experience.

Shubham Gupta

Definitely! :)

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