Introduce Yourself : Devo Cutler-Rubenstein, Former Studio Exec, Award-writer/Director/Creator's Coach by Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein

Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein

Devo Cutler-Rubenstein, Former Studio Exec, Award-writer/Director/Creator's Coach

HI folks - Devo Cutler-Rubenstein, writer/director/actor's and writer's coach. Instructor at USC summer School coaching director's on short films.... my book DATING YOUR CHARACTER... a Sexy Guide for Screenwriting for Film & TV is now available through Stairway Press. A unique system, it helps the writer and/or actor who writes create more memorable, authentic, deeper connections for themselves and their audiences with material. Currently helping actors create one-person shows in West Hollywood. Premiere Pitching Coaching Voted Best in 2012 by Hollywood & Vine Magazine. Camera reads thought -- bring your joy and focus on what the purpose is for yourself in the scene/movie/life.

Nelle Nelle

Welcome to Stage 32!

Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein

Lovely - have a great week!

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