Introduce Yourself : Film Producer, Founder of Fade In Magazine,, & by Audrey Kelly

Audrey Kelly

Film Producer, Founder of Fade In Magazine,, &

Excited to be a part of this growing community and share my 20 year experience in the entertainment industry. Feel free to add me as a contact or reach out with any questions you may have. As a film producer, I produced 1998's "Clay Pigeons," am currently in pre-production on "Pure" by Frank Baldwin at Castle Rock and am working on 3 TV projects at Leverage [Boardwalk Empire, Lone Survivor, Entourage]. Most recently, I cast 2014's doc "Unity" for Louie "The Cove" Psihoyos and Shaun "Earthlings" Monson. As an editor/publisher, I founded Fade In Magazine in 1993 and went on to conceptualize the pitch festival phenomenon the following year with the Hollywood Pitch Festival, now in its 18th year, and Online Hollywood Pitch Festival via Skype video, now in its 5th year. As an internet entrepreneur, I've co-founded, movie magazine that chronicles life in the entertainment industry,, Hollywood's Official Submission Platform for Filmmakers, and launching in July, Hollywood's Official Submission Platform for Performing Artists. Enough about me, let me hear/learn about you!

Jackie Penn

Audrey, you are interestingly busy. I need to visit your sites and see what they're all about. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Audrey Kelly

Running as fast as I can Jackie

Audrey Kelly

Lol. Yes! You never know where the next project will come from and I've been helping start filmmakers careers for 20 years -- Jon Bokenkamp, show runner of NBC's "The Black List," David Dobkin director of "Wedding Crashers" and so many more. And yes a workaholic to a fault.

Deana Moody

Would you read my manuscript it's a story called Being Bullied & Teased Hurts.

Richard "RB" Botto

Alle, you're welcome. And my thanks to you for all you bring to this community.

Richard "RB" Botto

And, Audrey, wonderful to have you and your (many) talents here on 32.

David S Cuellar

Hello Ms. Kelly...Audrey. My name is Dave. I have written a few screenplays and with my latest, Guardian of the Red Butterfly, I was encouraged to turn into it into a novel by my editor and it is getting some nice reviews. If you are looking for material at this time, I would be glad to send you the material. My background is your basic struggling writer type. The guy looking for that first big break. While I was working for Warner Bros. took a screenwriting course at UCLA at night. I've been a stage tech in Lake Tahoe, also a seminar with David Morrell who encourage me to write my latest story after I pitched my the concept. He even let me lend his name to my character, Morrrell. Also with encouragement from Penn Denshan, who I met at the 2012 Great American Pitchfest, really helped me create a good story. I will be down in L.A. the weekend of June 20th for the 2014 GAP. Thank you for any support you can send my way. Dave

Audrey Kelly

Hi David...I am looking for specific material yes. Can you send me the log line/genre so I can better answer your question? Appreciate it. Sounds like you've sought out some great training. You should also try to come down to the 18th Hollywood Pitch Festival Aug 1-3, which I run every year in LA. Best Audrey

David S Cuellar

Thank you, Audrey, for the info for your pitch festival. Here is the synopsis for Guardian of the Red Butterfly and latest review I just got today. In this story of intrigue and romance; Portland detective, Kyle Morrell and a modern day samurai geisha, Aiko, take on the city’s corrupt underworld. Aiko and Kyle’s chance encounter occurs when the detective tries to save the geisha from her injuries during a shoot-out with Masato, Aiko’s master. Together and separately, Aiko and Kyle must overcome personal demons as they make their way through the gauntlet of the Shanghai Tunnels and escape from a place once known as The Unheavenly City. What Kyle believed about his himself and his family changed when he became caught up in the complicated world of mysterious swords, human trafficking and family betrayal. Aiko, trained in the strict obedience of the martial arts as well as in the art of pleasure; must now find a way to live a life of her own. In the process, she becomes a guardian to a young girl who has yet to find her place in this world...code name...Red Butterfly. Review...for the novel. Fast paced high octane action! Mr. Cuellar takes you into the underground world of sex trafficking in an adventure that leaves you wondering who will survive and if anyone can be trusted. With his unique writing style, you can't help but fall for the characters as you travel with them on their treacherous journey. I look forward to more from this talented author. Thank you for your interest and time... Dave

Audrey Kelly

Hi David, Any way you can send a log line? Does the story have an ironic twist? Best Audrey

David S Cuellar

In this story of intrigue and romance; Portland detective, Kyle Morrell and a modern day samurai geisha, Aiko, take on the city’s corrupt underworld. It starts out with a Senator being computerized in some photographs and the woman he is with in the pictures gets pregnant unbeknownst to anyone and now, fifteen years later, she is trying to get her fourteen year old daughter back to the Senator who has now gone on to become the President of the United States. The girl is drawn into the world of human trafficking and a Portland Detective who saves the life of a modern day samurai geisha, who was left for dead by her master, start out as rivals, go on to rescue the girl from being drawn into the world of human betrayal.

Molly N. Moss

Hi Audrey! I'm new here, too. Welcome, let's explore the neighborhood. :-)

King Emanuel

Hello Audrey, let's network and hopefully I can interview for your magazine one day. Good luck on your endeavors in the future.

Gordon Olivea

Hi Audrey, this is what stage32 is all about. As a writer living outside LA it is great to be able to make contact with people like you.

David M. Adler

Hi Audrey, welcome! Let me know if you would like any content related to the legal aspects of creating, producing and distributing.

Vanessa Youngblood-Brown

Audrey, great to meet you. Ever thought about being an agent for screenwriters? So many people on this site need help pinning down an agent. I have written several features and a few shorts and I, myself is seeking representation. Also, if know anyone that may need music for film/tv, web series, or recording artists send them to Share on Twitter and Facebook. We have great music. Thanks, Audrey.

Deana Moody

Audrey nice to meet you , I just wrote my book "Being Bullied and Teased Hurts! it will be out May 23rd, Awesome Christian based book. About a Junior high school girl and her journey, what she endured and how she overcomes it, will melt your heart. Looking for any help I can get would love to find an Agent, and or someone like your self to send my manuscript to my dream is to have this help stop bullying and make into a movie.

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