Introduce Yourself : Happy Sunday! by Paris Johnson

Paris Johnson

Happy Sunday!

Hello! After working 18 years in the medical field, I have decided to follow my dreams of becoming a scriptwriter. While scrolling on Instagram, I came across Stage 32. With no expectations, I decided to give it a shot.

There are many platforms that are advertised daily, it is hard to find a good, honest app. I can honestly say Stage 32 is the community. I never knew I needed.

I am looking forward to building connections while gaining knowledge.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Paris Johnson. Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32:

And here's a blog that'll give you some advice on polishing your profile:

Allen Lynch

Welcome Paris & Good Luck!

Amanda Toney

So glad to have you here Paris, welcome home! I’d recommend filling out your profile. The #1 piece of advice we give is to have your photo uploaded and your profile completely filled out so when you’re networking and meeting people we get to know more about you as a collaborator. What are some projects you are working on?

Niki H

Hi Paris Johnson , it's lovely to meet you! Welcome to the community. I second the suggestion of having a photo on your profile, people are more likely to interact when they know there is a person on the other side :) Be sure to go to the screenwriting lounge to connect with your fellow writers -

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