Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Aaron Falvey

Aaron Falvey


Hi there, I've seen a member on this site since 2014 but have only just recently started to use it more actively. I am a filmmaker from New Zealand and love to Direct and Produce films. I have been involved in numerous short films as a Director and Producer and have an inextinguishable passion for film-making. For the past 5 years I have been focusing on professional film-making which a view of making films at the highest level. Its proving to be a real challenge with a young family including a wife and 3 kids (4th on the way!) however I will not let this stop me. I also have a real desire to work with others from around the world and bring productions to my country. Last year we bought a US Film Production to New Zealand and shot it with our team it was a dream come true. I am currently negotiating a deal to bring another production to NZ in late 2017/early 2018.

If you are interested in collaborating on a film project in New Zealand, please reach out to me! Looking forward to meeting new people!

C Harris Lynn

I've been a member for several years as well, but just started getting serious about using it. We're in the same boat! (Except for the four kids. :D )

Aaron Falvey

Thanks Chris.

Vladislav Nogin

Best of luck on your projects!

Paul Mahoney

Well done Aaron. NZ has produced many high-quality films.

Claudia Marinelli

Hi Aaron, best of luck! It0s wonderful that you're bringing US projects into New Zealand.

Aaron Falvey

Thanks for your kind comments everyone. I look forward to new opportunities with you all!

Monique Yvette

Hi there Aaron. Good luck on your endeavours! NZ is on my list of travel destinations one day!

Aaron Falvey

Monique, it seems to be on most peoples list. I know why. Its truly magical. If you come here, please look me up!

Nadine, if you ever come to New Zealand, look me up! Maybe we can work on a film together while you are here!

Rae Hardy

Hi! If you ever need a film composer, I would love to be involved. Nice to meet you !

Aaron Falvey

Hi Rae, thanks so much for reaching out to me. You never know when you are gonna need a sound composer. Would love to hear some of your work?

Aaron Falvey

Hey Caleb. I am based in Blenheim, just across the Cook Strait from you. So not too far away :)

Rae Hardy

Hi again! Here is a link to some demos and other compositions. I can also send you film examples if you wish. All the sounds you hear are computerized but I have a large software library so I can make them sound real.

Aaron Falvey

Vitaly Kozlov I'm not sure I understand your question? Do you mean what can I offer in terms of a production crew etc? We are pretty much set up to go. We have amazing locations, dedicated cast and crew. We have some amazing talent in our region which were well utilized during our recent production. The one thing we don't really have access to is money. We would need some investors to work with. I am excited to share our film Ascendance, you can get an appreciation from who was involved with this film by looking at the cast and crew are you based Vitaly and what is your background?

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