Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone, by Joy Merriweather

Joy Merriweather

Hello Everyone,

My name is Joy, I recently joined Stage 32 a few weeks ago. I'm a former actor concentrating on a writing career. I began writing around 2002 while recuperating from foot surgery and found myself with nothing to do. Now I have love it. My eduation came from attending seminars, my love of film, especially horror genre and reading screenplays. Currently I have three screenplays I wrote, (still working on), also I'm writing a novella which I'm adapting from one of the screenplays and a memoir about my experiences as a caregiver. Looking forward to networking and meeting people who share my passion. :)

Charlotte Talley

nice to meet you Joy, I am caregiver been it for 16 years, now I am in the interest of film and writing. I am from St. Louis.

Michele MacDonald

Glad to make your acquaintance Joy, welcome to Stage 32.

Glenn Roland

Hi Joy: "Beak A Leg!" with everything you are doing. Peace

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