Introduce Yourself : Hello Filmmakers by Anya Shcherban

Anya Shcherban

Hello Filmmakers

Hello everyone!

I'm a production designer based in Sydney Australia. I've never used a social platform like this but I guess I'll just say a little something about myself. I'm originally from Ukraine, I grew up around the world and came to Sydney to study. I studied fine arts in Melbourne, I still paint to this day. I got into film when I was asked to create some concept art for a film and fell in love with the whole process. Eventually I decided that I wanted to be involved in actually bringing my concepts to life and the rest is history. I love working on films that have a very unique and out of the ordinary style, I am a huge fan of colourful extravagant designs.  Pleasure to be a part of this community. Thank you!

Anya Shcherban

Here is a still from a short film I recently finished, I did the entire film with sets, props and costumes for under a grand! We were all very happy with the results.

Brian Alan DeLaney

Looks great! Welcome to the site.

Ally Shina

Welcome Anya!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Anya!

Myron DeBose

Sup Anya

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