I’ll admit it: I’m originally from the planet Zog and have lived in Hong Kong since my spaceship crashed on Earth in 2006. I then went incognito as a science-fiction writer.
While waiting for my spaceship to be repaired, I've self-published five books and one collection of short stories, Cosmic Portal, on Amazon. One story, “Killing Hitler,” was accepted by the Hong Kong Writers Circle for publication in the Q4 (Dec 2023) issue of their magazine, The Apostrophe.
And I contributed two short stories, "My Life Sucks" and "We, Robots,” to the 2024 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists, published by the Science Fiction Novelists Facebook Group.
Currently, I’m writing about a Martian living in Hong Kong. I just finished a 40K-word story draft, which I plan to publish before I return home to Zog. Now, if my mechanic can just get the parts from Zog, I’d be on my way.
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"Here come the Men In Black (Men in Black). Galaxy defenders (oh, ooh)." You're in trouble, Michael A. Clement. Haha Congratulations on finishing the draft! What's your rewriting process?
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Will any of your writings be created in animation?
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Hi Michael, welcome
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sorry bout your spaceship. Good to meet you.
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nice to meet you Michael A. Clement
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Xochi Blymyer Thanks. I'm glad I had spaceship insurance.
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Maurice Vaughan I write in the early morning or late at night so as not to be disturbed.
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I like to write in the early morning too, Michael A. Clement. When it's really quiet. I meant how do you rewrite? Do you take a break and go back to the story and rewrite later? Do you focus on certain things to rewrite?
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Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, Michael A. Clement!
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Maurice Vaughan : Yes, I take a break on a rewrite. When I've finished a draft, I'll put it aside for a week or two. Another thing that helps is having MS Word read the story to me (under Review, Read Aloud).
Congratulations on finishing the draft, Michael A. Clement! I take a break after finishing a draft too, but sometimes I jump right into the rewrites. I use Read Aloud in MS Word. It helps me catch typos.