Introduce Yourself : Hello / Retro Sci-Fi by Lars Deutsch

Lars Deutsch

Hello / Retro Sci-Fi

Hello - my name is Lars, I am a two time Emmy winning composer with 400 film and commercial credits. Reach out if you have any music / audio post questions (incl. Atmos).

I just released my retro sci-fi album which is very cinematic. Get in touch if you work on sci-fi, retro sci-fi, animation, etc.

David Abrookin

Nice to meet you, Lars Deutsch! Congrats on the Emmys! I'm curious, how would you describe retro sci-fi in terms of music?

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on being a two time Emmy winning composer and releasing a retro sci-fi album, Lars Deutsch! Is that like an album of music scores?

Lars Deutsch

David Abrookin - Good question. It is a little nostalgia, it is a little out of tune, it is a little more emotional than cold modern sci-fi. It is a little Ed Wood meats the awkward love scene in Godzilla :) - but you tell me:

Lars Deutsch

Thank you Maurice. It is an original album with original composition that you might here licensed or adapted to a score. Having said that two tracks were written for projects in development originally and two tracks were parts of scores.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Sounds good Lars, maybe when I find financing producers for my controvercial holocaust movie The Final Solution (check out the logline) after the waters calmed down a bit.

Robin Gregory

Retro sci-fi! How fun is that? Happy to meet you, Lars Deutsch. I'm developing a coming-of-age feature, a western mystical. Outlander meets John Steinbeck. I imagine a score with strings, Native American drums, flute, crystal bowls, and out-of-tune piano. Crazy, huh? Congratulations on your huge body of work, new album, and Emmy!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lars Deutsch. Cool. Looking forward to listening to your album. It's the type of music I listen to when I write Sci-Fi scripts.

Steven Gamella

Hi Lars! My name is Steven Gamella, and I wrote a 42-volume sci-fi universe titled "Sojourn: What Dreams Await." The story is an enormous, epic sci-fi universe with comps to "Star Wars" and "Dune," I have 40 books published, 2 unpublished and in progress at this point in the saga, and I've already written 37 screenplays in a planned "Sojourn" cinematic Universe. Of the two unpublished books, one is part of the main saga, and the other is an anthology novel, that happens to be set during the winter holiday season. My scripts have won several awards, including one that was nominated for Best Short Script at the Paris Art and Movie Awards 2023, but have not sold anything yet. I'm trying to find a manager or agent, either for my books or screenplays.

Lars Deutsch

Thank you - Robin - out of tune piano is a great tool. Real or fake. I just wrote a score for a project for / in Mexico and I used a lot of native flutes - which can be fun or weird - because they only have 6 notes.

Lars Deutsch

Thank you Steven - I responded in a private message.

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