Introduce Yourself : Hey Everyone! by Branden Smith

Branden Smith

Hey Everyone!

Hi, my name is Branden and I’m relatively new to screenwriting but I have some short scripts available to read in my profile. As of current I’m just trying to learn from more experienced filmmakers and become a better filmmaker myself. Hope to make some good, lasting connections with y’all over time!

Mary Helen Norris

Welcome to the craft, Branden!

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Brandon.

You are at least one step ahead of most writers having acting experience. As a writer I have no idea how hard some of my writing is to perform.

I love the fact that learning never stops. My understanding of people constantly changes and so does my writing.

Richard "RB" Botto

You're in great company here, Branden. Fantastic to have you in the mix.

Johnny Farrell

Johnny Farrell - Award winning actor based in Cardiff U.K.

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