Introduce Yourself : Hey Stage32! by Bri Gergely

Bri Gergely

Hey Stage32!


I'm Bri and I'm an emerging screenwriter from Brisbane, Australia. I heard about this platform from a group I'm in and was excited to check it out.

So far I have written and directed one stage play which I am currently re-workshopping in hopes to make it even better for festivals next year. I am also currently working on my first screenplay.

I guess I am just looking to make new connections and expand my network! I really enjoy talking to other creatives so if you ever feel up for a chat, don't hesitate to reach out!



Shellie Schmals

Hi Bri - So nice to meet you! Welcome to Stage 32. You should definitely check out our Screenwriting Lounge >>

What is your stage play about?

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Bri Gergely. Congratulations on writing and directing a stage play! What was it like making a play?

MB Stevens

Welcome Bri Gergely

Luca Mannea

Hi Bri, welcome! Looking forward to connect :)

Abraham Steven

Wow, that is awesome Bri, happy new month.

Emily J

Hi Bri Gergely! Nice to meet you! Have you also checked out the Writers' Room too? It's a great spot for writers to support one another and also interact with executives who jump in weekly for live webcasts.

GiGi Raines

Hi Bri! Nice to meet you. Thrilled to hear you've joined the community. There are so many ways to get support from writers, produces, and industry pros who work in your in your genres through Stage 32. The lounges and Writers' Room are also great ways to build your networks internationally. We have adaptation reviews with executives and producers to help you getting your screenplays market ready! Check out the link below. If you have a draft, I also suggest submitting it for coverage so you know you will be festival ready! The links for both are below. Hope this helps! Cheers, GiGi

Coverage Options:

Adaptation Review:

Paul David Brazill

Hu Bri, nice to meet you! Paul.

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