Hey ya'll! My name is Traci and I'm a screenwriter out of Houston, TX. I'm new to Stage 32 but I'm super excited to have found a community of folks interested in the same things I'm interested in. I'm hoping to make some solid connections with with other screenwriters and filmmakers alike. :)
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I am writing this from Dallas.
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looking forward to networking with you
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If I were walking in your shoes, you wouldn't be able to use them again, I would get to know Robert Rodriquez who has something really good going on right now with his entertainment work - his own network. Been a big fan of his and he is really generous collaborator with actors. I love the new wave of Mexican directors for their sense of style, both as writers and producers. These guys are doing the best work today. Mucha suerte a usted, Traci.
Hello from Houston as well. Good luck! Are you working on any projects currently? Regards, Leopold. www.leopoldvincentmedley.com
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Yes, I completed a low budget thriller heist script this summer and am now working on an action adventure script that is 20 years old! Now with changing tastes this one and the other they are now being looked at more carefully because each has a female protagonist. 20 years ago strong females were definitely not popular. It will be nice to have the scripts in the hands of a manager\producer once again.