Introduce Yourself : I Can Hear You Damn It! by Claudia Hoag McGarry

I Can Hear You Damn It!

Hi. Just saying hi and updating you on my activity. Producing a new original play this summer in Santa Barbara, California about a woman in a coma the hospital mistakes for another coma patient who is gravely ill so they inform her family she cannot hear anything and will die. Instead, she can hear everything as one by one people visit her to confess and tell her secrets. In addition, my rom com with partner Sheila is getting some traction-- log line is two besties decide to sidestep online dating and instead crash funerals to meet eligible widowers. And the fun goes on!

Ty Strange

Nice to meet you, Claudia Hoag McGarry! Love the premise of your coma patient play and funeral crashers script. I was just down in Santa Barbara for a wedding. Love that area!

Claudia Hoag McGarry

Yes so pretty!

Nick Waters

Nice work!

Maurice Vaughan

Wow, your play sounds exciting and so creative, Claudia Hoag McGarry!!!

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