Introduce Yourself : I went to my first Austin Meet-up tonight by Jessica Calvello

Jessica Calvello

I went to my first Austin Meet-up tonight

and had a BLAST! I know I've made new friends and I'm grateful.

Ashley Renee Smith

It was a wonderful night! Thank you for coming out, Jessica Calvello! And for allowing me to gush about how much I love Attack on Titan. I can't promise I won't ask you more questions about it in the future.

Maurice Vaughan

Glad you had a blast and made new friends, Jessica Calvello. I like your hair.

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Amanda Toney

What a great photo of you and Ashley! Glad to have you in the community Jessica Calvello!

Stephanie Moore

it was amazing to meet you and learn about your experiences and goals!

Geoff Hall

Jessica Calvello welcome to the community, Jess. I'm glad you made some great connections at the meet-up.

Brigitte Millar

Yes, welcome Jessica. So glad to have you here.

Sam Sokolow

Happy IYW, Jessica Calvello! The Austin meet-up looks like it was a blast. Great photo and great to hear that you made new friends!

Dalen Flynn

Wonderful to see you had such a great time!

Sam Rivera

I'm glad you had a good meetup Jessica Calvello and great to have part of the platform!

Pat Alexander

Awesome, Stage 32 meetups are always a great time!

Emily J

Ah so jealous you got to hang out with all the Austin people Jessica Calvello! Looks like a great time!

John Michael German


Fun. So thankful for the fellowship within this meetup.

Also, lovely colorfulness delighted in your hairstyle along with the lovely personality to top it all off.

Thankful within each path your steps unwrap.

God Bless,

John German

Nick Phillips

Very jealous! I love Austin and I love meeting people so this was a bummer to miss!

Jessica Calvello

Thank you so much for the kind words and warm welcomes! Really appreciate it, everyone. Looking forward to hanging out, creating, and learning. <3

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jessica Calvello. You're in the right place to hang out, create, and learn. See you around Stage 32.

Niki H

Hi Jessica, great to e-meet you! Looks like the meetup in Austin was a success. Glad you got to meet Ashley, she's the best!

Sydney Summers

Lovely photo of you two :) I hope the meet up was wonderful!

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