Introduce Yourself : *I'm me, myself and I in a different hat. What am I?? (The to the point intro) by J. Edward Betancourt

J. Edward Betancourt

*I'm me, myself and I in a different hat. What am I?? (The to the point intro)

*I'm a filmmaker (AKA, Wearing several production hats). For the longer version of the answer to this riddle, or anything else, well, there is my Stage 32 profile. : )

Maurice Vaughan

I checked out your profile, J. Edward Betancourt. You really do wear a lot of production hats! What's your main project going?

Jason Mirch

Glad to have you in the community J. Edward Betancourt! Love the intro and the tease for more in your bio. It worked! Happy to be connected and you can also find me at - let me know what you're working on and how I can be of help.

J. Edward Betancourt

@ Maurice V. From a realistic perspective, I'm my main project, the "headquarters" of it all. I'm "recuperating" from the loss of my father, two of my brothers, an uncle, my grandmother to the COVID. And well, I barely survived it. Insanely enough, everyone was in a different part of the world, for exception of my father and I. As for my secondary main project, that is to build the film studio I was working on when the Negligentdemic hit us. This means in part, research/analytics- developing/writing for the pipeline, and designing pitch decks and other marketing materials for my projects. And well, for others that hire me to do that for them. Yes, I do a lot of stuff because I love to learn, and knowledge is always handy in emergencies and when opportunity presents itself. Knowledge is a terrible thing to go to waste, so all of the knowledge acquired in my lifetime collides into art forms to create all of my projects. So technically, I'm recycling knowledge, lol. What about you? How is your main project going?

J. Edward Betancourt

@Jason Mitch, thank you!

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry you lost your loved ones, J. Edward Betancourt. I'm glad you got through Covid.

You're right. Knowledge is always handy in emergencies, and it's a terrible thing to waste.

I'm finishing up a pitch deck design job and pitching scripts.

J. Edward Betancourt

@Maurice Vaughan, thank you! I wish you success on everything that you are doing.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, J. Edward Betancourt. I appreciate it.

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