Introduce Yourself : Inner dialogue? by Sal Rastegar

Sal Rastegar

Inner dialogue?

I've produced film and have three great agents but my day job keeps me so busy I have not been able to capitalize on these resources. Some day I will, may be Monday. I've hosted radio programs and write for several publications. Day job: corporate trainer and proposal evaluator. Sal

Jery Theactorvist

I can totally relate, Sal!

Sal Rastegar

Jery, I don't think this condition is rare, it might be the norm. I shot a pilot to host a TV show a few months back but did not have the bandwidth to follow up.

Jery Theactorvist

So have you utilized your resources yet? I hope so. I just landed my first directing/choreography gig. Yay!

Sal Rastegar

Good form Jery and mine should be on its way. My views went from 200 to 5500 in one week on my show and I cut off relationship with a production company that over-promised and starting again. I also just shot a inde film. What do you think?:

Karen Buckton

Sal, I disagree with some of your comments. Firstly: You tossed away the corn syrup, but research has shown that there are no significant differences between HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and sugar (sucrose) when it comes to the production of insulin, leptin (a hormone that regulates body weight and metabolism), ghrelin (the "hunger" hormone), or the changes in blood glucose levels. In addition, satiety studies done on HFCS and sugar have found no difference in appetite regulation, feelings of fullness, or short-term energy intake. Both corn syrup and sucrose enter the bloodstream as glucose and fructose —the metabolism of which is identical. There is no significant difference in the overall rate of absorption between table corn syrup and sugar, which explains why these two sweeteners have virtually the same effects on the body. Neither table sugar nor HFCS would exist without human interaction and processing. You can't go to a field and squeeze corn syrup out of corn or sugar out of sugar beets or sugar cane.

Sal Rastegar

Thank you Karen. Your inputs are valued.

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