Introduce Yourself : Introducing Me by Chelsea Boreham

Chelsea Boreham

Introducing Me

Hi everyone. I am new to the site and would like to introduce myself. I am a 14 year old actor. I have been acting for around 6 years now gaining experience by doing short films, TVC and workshops. I absolutely love this industry although it can be heartbreaking and frustrating at times (which always makes the journey so much more fascinating). Being 14 years old and 5ft 8in certainly exposes me to many challenges for my age bracket. I have been told I have a mature screen presence and have a range of 16-19. I love the opportunity to network and support other people with my shared passion and look forward to being a part of Stage 32.

Janet Scott

Hello Chelsea, nice to meet you.... and welcome aboard.

Chelsea Boreham

Thanks Janet

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Chelsea! Great to have you here!

Chelsea Boreham

Thanks Richard.

Micheal Andrew Muro

Hello Nice intro!

Valerie Michele Oliver

Welcome, Chelsea. I love your energy and enthusiasm. Glad you're here.

Chrissy Laboy

Chelsea, very well said! So mature for a young lady. All the best to you on your journey!!!

Chelsea Boreham

Thanks heaps

Lars Davidson

Hi Chelsea, you certainly have a lot on the go and your reel is also very good. Welcome to the site. And yes, the industry can be very heartbreaking from time-to-time, you have to have thick skin, especially in acting. My advice is to keep making wise choices and consider each project from both a short-term and long-term perspective. Work hard. Great things are going to come your way, I'm sure.

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage 32 Chelsea! Good luck with all you do and dream and have fun and great success networking here as there is lots for you I'll bet :)

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