Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself by Aaron Trumm

Aaron Trumm

Introducing myself

Hi all! My name is Aaron Trumm - I'm a musician, writer, and performer - as well as audio engineer and music producer. My involvement in film/TV has been off and on. I did sound for TV documentaries early in my career, have done sound for the occasional indie or student film, and exactly one day on a "big" production doing sound for a Manhatten (the show) press junket. I've been on many many sets as an extra or a featured extra, and one or two as an actor. I've been on stage a ton as a slam poet, musician, and actor.

Currently I'm writing copy and content in various industries including music and audio, remote personal training (I'm an ACE certified personal trainer), and releasing music.

My music is open for licensing, and I could in theory be available for work-for-hire music production or post-production sound. I'm also open for writing and editing opportunities. I'm on immunosuppressant drugs due to a lung transplant so until COVID is fully under control, I work entirely remotely from my home or studio.

Once I'm able to come back out, I'll be looking to resurrect my performance career in the form of public speaking, acting, maybe even some mild stunt stuff or fight choreography (I have a background in martial arts and sports, but I'm no true stunt man - ie: I'm afraid of heights and 46 ;) ).

Nice to "meet" y'all!

Rod Burke

Welcome Aaron

Aaron Trumm

Thanks Rod Burke !

Roger Hewett

Hi Aaron! Nice to meet you here. Safe healing through this covid period...isolation gets tough!

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