Introduce Yourself : Invites by Warren Eig

Warren Eig


Please introduce yourself before making a friend request. A little note about yourself would be nice otherwise most request are ignored. Thanks.

Warren Eig

Because I get tons of request everyday so it'd be nice for a little hello introduction.

Christopher Hayes

Hello Warren, I just requested you. We are a music production company based out of NH. Cheers!

Padma Narayanaswamy

Sorry I am also one of the culprit. I am Padma Narayanaswamy an Indian script writer. Race to the Senate and Human Bonding are two of my scripts posted here. Pl take a look and pl don't ignore my requesr.

Padma Narayanaswamy

Thanks for the fair warning

Sizt Elilo

A writer in New Delhi just sent you a friend request :D I hope to join the real film industry world so soon. A mindful post! The name is as appeared, All the luck and best.

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