Introduce Yourself : Jon Fisk by Jon Fisk

Jon Fisk

Jon Fisk

Hi everyone i have been a member of stage 32 for a couple of years now. I have not got any acting jobs from this site but i want to welcome people to come to and approach me with invitations. Please check out my starnow for more information about me at

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree with Joey. Your profile is a little bare! When we polled a few hundred people who have made hires on Stage 32, they listed a completed bio as the number one criteria in considering a candidate. Beef it up, reap the rewards. I also highly recommend placing your Stage 32 link on your Star Now profile and vice versa. Closing the circle on social media is extremely important. Good luck!

Jon Fisk

Thanks guys, i have read and will be taking your advice.

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