Introduce Yourself : Just joined Stage 32 by Josh Clarke

Josh Clarke

Just joined Stage 32

Hey all, I have just heard about this website through a colleague and I think it is absolutely fantastic. I am a Filmmaker, Director and Music Composer based in Rugby (UK) and look forward to networking with many of you. Would love to look at any films people have made recently as it is great to see what projects you have been working on. Feel free to add me :) Cheers.

Jake Chika

It is indeed a wonderful website,what better way to connect than this.Welcome and good luck.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, Josh. My best to your colleague who invited you. And I hope you will do the same by paying it forward and sending invites to your peers. Look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood.

Richard "RB" Botto

Appreciate the good words, Jake and Dean. Thank you.

Lilli Moore

Thanks for the add, if I can help just let me know.....

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