Introduce Yourself : Just started script development by Cee Whirx

Cee Whirx

Just started script development

Good news! I recently started developing a screenplay for my animated movie project a while ago. It's been long and hard for me to finally get started on writing, but I hope to keep moving forward. Just a reminder, my project is about these warrior deer who fight to protect the natural world from threats. Hope you had a nice weekend.

Lea Ann Vandygriff

Sounds really good! I wrote my first animated kids TV script, can't wait to see how it holds up in the festivals. Best of luck!

Cee Whirx

Thanks, Lea Ann. Best of luck on your animated kids script as well.

Angel - Aka, A Elaine Carlisle.

This is a great Synopsis! Great children’s story. It’s a crazy coincidence that we both post a script at about the same time - using the same character name “CANDY”!

Angel - Aka, A Elaine Carlisle.

My Candy is 2yrs old.

Angel - Aka, A Elaine Carlisle.

I didn’t see this message till now. My apologies for the delay.

Angel - Aka, A Elaine Carlisle.

Actually a year & a half. If I’m going from when it was copywritten.

Kumar Sambhav

Woaaww !! I just joined starge32, I thought I would see only live-action professionals, I m excited to see Animation folks here, Kudos !! KUDOS !! Please let me know if my 3d animation studio could be of any help. !! be it Animatics or final 3d output.

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