Introduce Yourself : Looking for a writer/collaborator by Robert Leslie Fallin

Looking for a writer/collaborator

Hello Everyone. Eight years ago, I assembled a team of volunteers of varying experience to put together a screenplay and production package on a project called "Tubular Romance". Several of the people on that project, including Eleni Larchanidou and Andrew Bee went on to become successful (Singer Celest Chong was already successful). On the other hand, I had a mental breakdown, stood off a police SWAT team for 10 hours and surrendered on MY terms after destroying two police robots, one in hand-to-hand combat. The robot I engaged in hand-to-hand was armed with a shotgun shell to blow off my head and a light explosive charge to cover up my murder. I have the trial transcript to prove it. An example of the bomb-disposal robots used in my arrest can be seen in the photo below.

A corrupt DA made certain I did not receive a fair court-ordered psychiatric evaluation; and, although no one was hurt, I was sentenced to 20 years, 10 in prison. However, I was released after 6 years, 3 months incarceration, even though the corrupt DA was now on the Parole Board. The head of the police SWAT team, who had been my chief advocate, died under questionable circumstances before my trial. He was not even invited to testify at my grand jury indictment. I started to investigate his death immediately after my release; and, six weeks later, I was knocked down by a Chevy Suburban in a crosswalk with the light. The Suburban turned into me at an estimated 15 to 20 mph. Accident? I am not so sure. The "accident" left me which a shattered shoulder blade and rotator cuff, seven broken ribs and a punctured left lung. I am presently recovering and, at 73, have never felt younger, more vital and more enthusiastic about life. I must exude these feelings, as my last four girlfriends have all been under 40 and I have recently attracted girls as young as 18.

I have some fascinating stories to tell; and I would love a writer/collaborator interested in producing one or more screenplays regarding my experiences. Presently, I am awaiting an accident settlement to pay for a tax-exempt foundation, which would combine the social issues of mental health reform with those of criminal justice and penal reform. I feel God let me live for this purpose; and I will allow NOTHING to stand in my way of achieving it. I believe telling my stories will help draw interest. Any takers?

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Robert Leslie Fallin. Sorry that happened to you. It definitely sounds like you have fascinating stories to tell.

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Robert Leslie Fallin

Nice to meet you, Maurice. If I were not so concerned about my ladies' privacy, I would post a picture. I have two that I call "Halle Berry class". The other two are nearly that attractive, as well. Don't know what they see in me. Someday, I would like to tell our stories, but I don't want to hurt ANY of them; especially since they all came on to me first. My ultimate goal is to create a tax-exempt foundation combining mental health with criminal justice and prison reform. I would also like to promote the technology described in "Tubular Romance". The technology already exists.

Maurice Vaughan

A tax-exempt foundation combining mental health with criminal justice and prison reform sounds great, Robert Leslie Fallin. Best to you on the foundation. Keep us posted about it.

I read the logline for "Tubular Romance." It sounds more like a tagline. Here’s a logline template that might help:

After ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ (an adjective and the protagonist's position/role) tries to _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes).”

Loglines are one or two sentences (a one-sentence logline sounds better and it takes less time for a producer, director, etc. to read it). You can add the antagonist in the logline.

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ (an adjective and the protagonist's position/role) tries to _______ (goal of story) so/in order to ________ (stakes) after ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).”

Avoid using names in a logline (unless it's a Biopic or a famous story -- like a fairy tale). Use an adjective and the protagonist's position/role instead of a name.

Avoid using “must” in loglines because “must” sounds like the protagonist is forced to do whatever the goal of the story is (instead of the protagonist doing it willingly), and “must” doesn’t sound active. Audrey Knox (a TV literary manager) also said this during a logline review webinar on Stage 32 ( Instead of using “must,” use “attempts to,” “fights to,” “struggles to,” “strives to,” “sets out to,” “fights,” “battles,” “engages in,” “participates,” “competes,” etc.

Example #1:

After a group of dog criminals arrives in a small town, an impulsive dog sheriff defends a dog treat factory so they won’t steal food that’s meant for hungry dog families.”

Example #2:

A dysfunctional couple works together to survive against bears after they crash on an abandoned road miles from help.”

NOTE: Not all stories will follow this logline template. Biopics, documentaries, and Experimental scripts might not follow this template. The pilot logline and episode loglines for a TV show might not follow this template, but the series logline could.

Hope this helps.

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