Introduce Yourself : Looking for an outlet for your creativity? by Kirk Johnson

Kirk Johnson

Looking for an outlet for your creativity?

If you are into Science Fiction, Twilight Zone/Tales from the Crypt type stories or Variety comedy, then you need to check out what we have going on to see if this is something you would like to be a part of. We are looking for Science Fiction writers, Comedy writers, Twilight Zone/ Tales from the Crypt style story writers, voice over talent, singers, impersonators of everything from celebrities to muppets and cartoon characters, music composers, audio engineers and artists. We have three audio series in production, you can experience the quality of one of our programs here - - We also have a television series in development. For more information about what we have going on and to see how you can be a part of it go to

Monette Bebow-Reinhard

I've got an alien/vampire tale that's having a hard time finding publication. Would that work here? About 10,000 words.

Kirk Johnson

We are producing audio books that are stories around 16 pages in length or less. How many pages is your story?

Feather Flowdream

got around 200,000 words of stuff like that

Anthony Traher

I actually have a story idea but over all it could be a couple of books if any one who could write thought it was a good idea , kind of stalled but 16 pages could be a good origin story.

Georgi Ivanov Nenchev

Hello! Are you interested in dark and little twisted look upon old and well known stories for children?

Kirk Johnson

We'd take a look at the ideas for the children stories as long as there is no copyright infringement.

Kirk Johnson

You can check out one of our audio productions here - This story was fifteen pages long and came out to a 34 minute production. We're looking to keep our pieces around 30 minutes. We don't care how long the story is if we are commissioned to produce an audio story for someone else.

Monette Bebow-Reinhard

Ha! A lot more than that, Kirk! I'll check this out! Sounds like fun.

Georgi Ivanov Nenchev

Would be no copyright infringement. I hold the rights. Here is a link to the book :

Dr. Peter J. Shield PhD

I hosted and produced the "World of Unexplained Mysteries" Radio and TV series for over 30 years. ( I've included a clip on my newest venture ; I am in the process of putting together a new reality show and was advised that i had to produce a 'sizzle' tape or no one would look at it. My solution on a very restricted budget was to create the following web page. I would love to hear your comments. You will find additional 'Mysteries' on my youtube page http://youtube/pjshield.

Ryan C. Davis

Kirk...definitely interested if you are looking for writers and voice actors.

Dr. Peter J. Shield PhD

Thank you Kirk - not recruiting at this time - stay in touch. Thanks

Kirk Johnson

That's good to hear Georgi, how many stories in the book?

Kirk Johnson

Hi Dr! That is really cool. Would love to be able to listen to one of those. If you're ever interested in getting involved with our "Doorways and Dimensions" series let me know. Checked out the site, looks to have a lot of potential, best of luck with that.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Ryan! Yes we are looking for writers - and our info for voice over opportunities are here - Would be great to have you get involved. Check out the information on the website and then you can get back to me at

Ryan C. Davis

Kirk....I will definitely send some script and voice samples your way soon. Thanks.

Georgi Ivanov Nenchev

Three stories in this book and few more.

Kirk Johnson

Yes I'd love to check it out. Feel free to send any information you have to

Venise Watson

Hi Kirk I'm an actress and would love to lend my voice to your project!

Kirk Johnson

Hi Venise! That would be great :) Here are the details -

Venise Watson

great, thanks I will be audtioning!

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