Introduce Yourself : New old guy by Michael Christante

Michael Christante

New old guy

I'm an American long-term expat, lived and worked in England, Germany and Hong Kong. Under various nomes-de-plume I've authored a dozen books, written and directed TV productions for producers large and small, and am simultaneously working on a live action screenplay and a way-too-long novel. I look forward to seeing how Stage32 works out as a place to hang out. I have no use for Facebook and I never found any purpose whatsoever in LinkedIn (does it have any purpose??). But you people here are my people. I hope we can get acquainted.

David Wayne Smart

Welcome to Stage 32 Michael, I hope you find what you're looking for here. As for LinkedIn having a purpose, if it wasn't for LinkedIn, I would have never heard about Stage 32.

Kimberley Barrett

Hey Michael, Nice to meet you sooo.. Where are you now? X

Michael Christante

Hi Kimberley, I'm in Hong Kong, but dreams of Portugal are forming like thunderclouds.

Katherine Swift

Helllo!! I am kat from Leeds (originally from wales) linked in, from what I gather, it's just a place where people wearing suits attempt to pull one another..

Kimberley Barrett

I think the uk probably misses you x

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