Introduce Yourself : New to the community by David Chavez

David Chavez

New to the community

Hi everyone! My name is David Chavez. I am a filmmaker along with the Director of Video Production over at Wake Up Pueblo and Snooze Mattress Company. Currently residing in Colorado Springs, CO but I'm originally from Queens, NYC. I am looking to expand my network and meet new creatives. I'll be updating my profile with my work so make sure to add me as a friend. Looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing where this passion of mine takes me. I am attaching my demo reel to this post but it hasn't been updated with my recent work.

Billy Kwack

Awesome David, I would like to see more of your work

Stephen Olson

Nice cinematography. Since I heard the phrase "Dutch Angel" I see it more and more. If you ever need a scriptwriter, let me know.

Matt Joyce

Hi David, I am down in Albuquerque. Thanks for the intro. Nice reel.

Allison Johnson

Great reel, David! I’m in CO, too:) Thornton, though, a suburb of Denver. Of course I loved the dancing in your reel, but my favorite was the cowboys on the roof

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, David Chavez. Impressive reel. The opening shot was awesome.

Amman Mohammed

Slam Dunk! Major talent in my book.

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