Introduce Yourself : Patrick Hercules by Patrick Hercules

Patrick Hercules

Patrick Hercules

My name is Patrick Hercules and I am an aspiring TV comedy writer. I do dabble in other genres, but my heart is in comedy. A screenwriting professor once told me to not shy away from my comedic sensibilities in a script no matter the genre. This journey to break in has been a very difficult one for me. I graduated with a BA in film studies with a focus on screenwriting in December of 2019. I was ready to go as I started my job hunt. Then covid hit and things were shut down. It was a setback for sure. But it fueled me to work on my own projects and just write. The jobhunt has still been difficult with things starting to open up. I'm looking to network and make long-lasting connections as I start my career. I'm also looking for representation. Representative who believe in me and my writing. They want to help me grow and guide me through the process of being successful. I will work hard and put in the work. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I try to use my experiences battling with my mental illness to tell better stories with deep and complex characters. Things have been difficult, but I try to keep a sense of humor and keep laughing.

Andrea Zastrow

Follow your heart and keep using your personal experiences to develop your characters. A sense of humor is a wonderful thing. Best wishes!

B A Mason

You picked the right place to come network. You're among other lovers of the craft; the perfect people to get a peer-review from. Don't be shy to share your work or share your opinion on others' works. And I can definitely say without a doubt, that in 2021 dealing with depression and anxiety is the status quo. You're definitely not alone. I should know.


Patrick Hercules

Thank you both for the kind words and words of encouragement.

Jessica Danov

Hey Patrick! Welcome! I know how you feel about the struggle! I’m an actress and was just starting to gain some traction in my career when Covid hit. Keep at it- we could all use more laughter in our lives!

Edward Zeimis

I couldn't agree with you more, comedic sensibilities in ANY genre. Well said! Keep at it and reach out when you need support! You have a great community of people here on S32.

John Ellis

As things open up, find working film/TV sets and volunteer as a PA. Work hard, be professional, give more than take - and the connections/relationships will find you!

Monica Mansy

Hi, Patrick Hercules and welcome aboard! Congratulations on your graduation! Thank you for your honesty and openness. Stage 32 is a great place to network and continue to grow in your craft. Have you heard of the Writers' Room? It's just the best. In the Room, we work on pitches, have the opportunity to pitch working exec's, give and receive script coverage, hold writing cafes, learn about the business and craft and so much more. It's a place to build a community with other creatives. If you'd like to try it out for a free month, please email Jason Mirch (, the Director of Script Services. Jason's also a huge help when it comes to asking career goals, so feel free to reach out to him with any of your questions.

Abby Verste

Welcome Patrick Hercules! Would love to see some of your comedy content!

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