Introduce Yourself : Peter Warrington, Director, Cameraman, Editor from Cleethorpes, England by Peter Warrington

Peter Warrington

Peter Warrington, Director, Cameraman, Editor from Cleethorpes, England

Hi Everyone. Just to introduce myself, I'm Pete and I love making films. I've just woken up after spending a pleasant night filming the Rat Pack Vegas Extravaganza at the Grimsby Auditorium, with some of my friends. Whoa what a night, a first for me and my colleagues doing a live show like that. Now for some hard editing to put all that footage together. The fun doesn't end there, as tomorrow my friend John and I start filming our latest film "Empty", written by Stage 32 member Karen Richardson, and starring another Stage 32 member Sara Beasley. I would like to thank both of them for there hard work and support in this project. When it's finished I will share it with you all. John and I have a busy year coming up, after "Empty" we have another short film, and also a mockumentary to do. Not to mention a six part mini series for the web, and a music promo for a local group too. Busy times, but I love it, pity about the day job though, hopefully one day we can do this full time. Keep in touch. Pete

Andrea Thompson

I've never heard of the Rat Pack Extravaganza in Vegas? Is it a tribute show? And how are you still standing from a night in Vegas ;)

Peter Warrington

Hi Andrea. The Rat Pack Vegas Extravaganza is a tribute show here in England, so they were here in Grimsby on Saturday. It was a tiring night though.

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