Introduce Yourself : Producer/Fixer living in Jordan by Ghassan Salti

Ghassan Salti

Producer/Fixer living in Jordan

Hello everyone. I just watched a new release on Netflix, "Sergio". It is such a great movie that I wanted to share my thoughts. First, the film was shot in my home country Jordan (as Iraq/Baghdad double), and that is what made me eager to watch. The Jordanian crew and art department did a great job.

The film is based on real story that happened in 2003. I vaguely remember the incident but watching the film it made me realize how great that person "Sergio" was. It is such a sad story that I think has a great meaning and I urge people to watch it and learn about this heroic story/person. Thank you for listening and please stay safe. And Ah, BTW, Jordan has the least mortality/cases of Corona in the whole world. We take this virus very seriously and we took real measurements to fight it. So far, we have 7 deaths and 380 cases (among 9 million population). God bless and be safe.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Ghassan! Nice to meet you! Ooo, now I KNOW you know what you're talking about - you called yourself a fixer, and only people in the industry know to use that term ;-) Have you checked out the Producing Lounge? Lots of great resources for ADs/PMs, and I'm sure they'd love to have your insight:

Ooo, Jordan? Would you be interested in participating in the "Paris, Je T'aime" challenge I posted in the Filmmakers Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their city:

Thank you for the recommendation! Adding Sergio to the line-up now!

Wow, go Jordan! That's admirable - keep those numbers low, and stay safe!

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