Introduce Yourself : Producer, Line Producer, Director by Herb Linsey

Herb Linsey

Producer, Line Producer, Director

Accredited, have projects with elements seeking EPs/co-venture partners

and open to scripts and teaming with other filmmakers to combine sources.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Herb Linsey! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives:

Don't forget to list your loglines and scripts so visiting Stage 32 members can more easily see what projects you are shopping around:

Maybe you could reach out on the Distributing Lounge?

Although, I'd LOVE for you to start a post in the Producing Lounge! What do you want to talk about? The Academy Awards just announced new guidelines for Best Picture for a more diverse and inclusive selection of films. We're chatting about it in the Producing Lounge and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! And, of course, feel free to reach out at any time.

Gerard Thoolen

Welcome, Herb!

Warren Eig

Hey Herb Linsey It's been awhile since we worked together.

Mariana Buric

Welcome, Herb! I am glad that you are open to scripts. I just finished a feature project about two spouses that are divorcing each other, but end up salvaging their marriage, while being quarantined in the same apartment. Ifyou are interested to collaborate, I'd be glad to know. Kind regards!

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