Introduce Yourself : Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins by Rosemary Mamie Adkins

Rosemary Mamie Adkins

Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins

I'm new here but thought I would jump in and hope for the best! My friends and family call me Mamie and I have wanted to write my entire life but sadly raised in an extremely abusive childhood and adult life where everything I wrote was destroyed telling me a woman does not write. After sixteen years of struggling to write and find my confidence, I finally published both of my books. The book that took such a toll is about my life sharing the memories of extreme child abuse but it was critically important to me to lace my story with hope which is the only way I survived. Hopefully I'm allowed to share this with you but not sure I can share the title. Please forgive me if its against the rules but I am so happy I finally found my way. Reflections of Mamie: A Story of Survival has set me free. I have watched from the outside the comments in here but have always been afraid of making an error or go wrong with the rules. Thank you to everyone that has welcomed me here! What an awesome group! I look forward to meeting as many as possible in here and getting to now others that share my passion. Writing! Thank you.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Rosemary - so glad you stepped out of the shadows to introduce yourself. It's amazing what you've overcome to become the strong, independent writer that you are. You are in great, encouraging and supportive company here on Stage 32. Looking forward to your contributions to the discussions in the lounge :)

Janet Scott

Rosemary, welcome aboard, and so nice to have you... Enjoy.

Mary-Helen Norris

Thank you for sharing your story with us! Welcome!

Fiona Challoner Malone

Wonderful and brave to share you experience. It's your time now to step into the limelight and shine!

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