Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by John A. Duvall

John A. Duvall


Just retired in 2020 from 23 years of teaching film & video production and writing. Now developing six feature screenplays (one of which may turn into a limited series) and one TV series pilot. Planning to market them over this year and next. All different genres, all high concept. More to come.

John A. Duvall

No, I haven't won an Oscar for screenwriting. But I did work in sound post-production on Dances With Wolves, which DID win an Oscar for sound (among several others).

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg


Cherelynn Baker

Way to "re-fire" ! Welcome to Stage 32

Martin Reese

You make me feel lazy, John. So much productive work. Welcome and really look to hearing more about your projects. Check out the Writers' Room where you can network with fellow screenwriters. Lots of cool webinars on this platform too.

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