Introduce Yourself : Scripts ready for production by Dartanyan Adkins

Scripts ready for production

Hello. My name is Dartanyan Adkins. Here from the Golden State. I have three featured scripts FIRED UP and ready for production. Please feel free to contact me if you or your agent have any questions.

Mark Deuce

You Got this Dartanyan Adkins

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you as always, Dartanyan Adkins

Dartanyan Adkins

Thanks, Rich.

Willem Elzenga

Me and my company FireStarter is all about firing up. We're interested in action movies but love to learn more about what you have to offer.

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Dartanyan Adkins - Awesome pic! I'll call your three and raise you one :-)

Dartanyan Adkins

Thanks Matthew. This picture was taken at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo TX. Someone constructed a barbque pit into a gun. I thought that was very creative and unique.

Pat Alexander

Good to see you, Dartanyan! That picture is the most Texas thing I've ever seen!

Dartanyan Adkins

Yeah, Pat Texans love their guns

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