Introduce Yourself : Video business owner and Italian lady from Brooklyn, New York! by Manuela Senatore

Manuela Senatore

Video business owner and Italian lady from Brooklyn, New York!

Hi everyone, I love this community and the commitment you all have to shine as filmmakers and artists. I am a producer and creative director from Brooklyn, NY who makes online videos for clients. I am also working on a mini-doc to be shot in the summer. I am here to learn and meet film people who can’t stop improving their craft. I wish you all a great weekend!

Pauline Baird Jones

Hello from chilly Wyoming!

Manuela Senatore

Hello Pauline! Nice to e-meet you. Stay warm!

David Timber

Hi Manuela, I agree with you, I'm always willing to learn and seek out fellow filmmakers who are passionate about their craft. I

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